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Welcome to Battle Creek Country Club, where every detail is designed to enhance your lifestyle. As cherished members, you're not just part of a club – you're integral to the heart of our community.

Explore the beauty and challenge of our highly rated golf course, indulge in the rhythmic energy of our tennis and pickleball courts, and experience the charm of our newly renovated Grill room. Each corner of our club reflects a commitment and passion for creating memorable moments.

To our valued members, thank you for being the foundation of our vibrant community. For those considering joining, we extend a warm invitation to become a part of a place where luxury, recreation, and camaraderie converge seamlessly.

At the Battle Creek Country Club, we don't just offer amenities; we create experiences that enrich your life. We look forward to continuing to craft extraordinary moments with you

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere for members, guests and staff by staying relevant, self-sustaining and providing the finest dining and recreational activities the area has to offer.

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